Sunday, June 20, 2010

Why do people hate on, dismiss, and get frustrated with people who like fashion, LA/NY, pop culture,

I love fashion, pop culture, LA/NY, basically all of that, and I swear to you, unfortunately since I live in New Jersey which is far removed from those scenes of Hollywood and Manhattan, (though strangely you'd think they'd be more welcoming),

people just look at me ilke wtf, they don't get it. They either get totally frustrated with me,assume I'm a total frivolous waste of space retard that shouldn't exit, hate on me, and just all sorts of reactions.

I either get people to laugh at me and think I'm some kind of a joke, or the whole "sigh, grow up," thing, or the frustration thing.

What's wrong with dying your hair, being into fitness, fashion, cosmetics, hair, and the whole 9?

I literally look like I walked out of a fashion magazine, and I absolutely love that.

I alsso have a real life, car, relationship house, I'm not a retard, graduated from college, work.

Yet, pepole just judge you on your outsides and they don't get me here. Should I move? It's not ME, it's THEM.

Why do people hate on, dismiss, and get frustrated with people who like fashion, LA/NY, pop culture, etc?

first i want to say i am a make up artist who just moved from ny to nj ... so i get what your talking about, but the fact of the matter is... the whole fashion industry thing is non- invoid .. it really doesn't do any thing to help the human race as a whole so most people wont understand ur love for it. it helps to create an illusion, it aides in creating a mass society of delusional people ... you may think "wow all this coming from a make up artist"... why not. i know what is is to be in the life. if you don't know who you are and what you stand for you will be sucked in.. sorry but it is what it is

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