Friday, November 27, 2009

Do i have polycycstic ovary syndrome or some hormonal issue?

okay when i read magazines or stuff about puberty its always like...some girls like..o my gosh i have 2 stray hairs onmy chest and nipple and then its like..o dont worry..during puberty having stray hair on yout stomach, breast, chest, nipple, even butt (eww) is pretty normal..just pluck them..then they say..if you have more than that much hair in that area see a doc cuz u have POS or anothr hormone issue....ok im 14 and i have hair evrywhere..i shave my legs, and underarms, and get my back and arms mom said wheen im older and have the money i can do permanent laser hair removal..cuz full body wxing is gross and i wouldnot do it plus it would cost a fortune..and my hair grows back extremely wax shoulda lasted witout growth at least about 2 wks..3 days for me..i am italiana, spanish, and persian, and my fathers extremely hairy..but not my mom..for some older bro has less hair then me and its lighter on his body..yet the hair on his head is much

Do i have polycycstic ovary syndrome or some hormonal issue?

Definitely, that's not a polycystic ovary syndrome..! believe me, I do have a knowledge of that syndrome.. your hair problem is genetically inherited from one of your parents. I also have the same case but don't bother too much, its a normal thing and there's nothing wrong with you.. But if you want to get rid of your hair, follow your mom's advice, when youre older get some permanent hair removal treatment.. you worry too much.. I'm 20 but I don't shave my legs, it will just make it worse.. And remember not to add up too much expenses to your mom, do something when you're already working okay? =D

Do i have polycycstic ovary syndrome or some hormonal issue?

It could be anything; don't prolong your suffering! See a doctor. If it's hormones they can prescribe medication. If it's not hormones, well they can still prescribed something to slow down the hair growth on your face at least.

Do i have polycycstic ovary syndrome or some hormonal issue?

Go to the doctors they can put your mind at rest either way and give you something to help it. If it is anythin serious you are better finding out sooner so you can go some way towards treating it

Do i have polycycstic ovary syndrome or some hormonal issue?

probably you didn't wax correctly, or you are examining yourself too closely... waxing should last more than 3 days. i would just keep trying the waxing - maybe try another brand or something.


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