Saturday, November 28, 2009

Am I subconciously flirting?

Everyone's number one question seems to be, "How to flirt?" I see that question everywhere. Online, in magazines etc...

That's why my situation is scaring me. I like to flirt in a very suptle manner. The whole smiling a lot, joking around, and playing with my hair bit. The thing is... I do it subconciously. It was only recently that someone pointed it out to me as flirting. I have been reading those articles my entire life, why is it that I do the right thing on instinct?

Am I subconciously flirting?

Hmmm...cuz you're a flirt. But think again, because it may not be the right thing. You may be leading a good handful of people on all at once. Also, if you get a boyfriend out of the deal, you better watch out because you'll have to stop the flirting with other guys. It's great to be friendly, but not always great to be a flirt. It's a fine line. I hope you can find a way to distinguish it.

Am I subconciously flirting?

tell him .... i am emberessing u?

if yes ask him do u like it?

if u think he does not like it stop it ... or do not do when many people r around

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